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Citygate Associates was contracted by the Bay Area UASI to conduct investigative research into the use, applicability and potential further growth of Multi-Disciplinary Type 3 Incident Management Teams (IMT-3) in the Bay Area. The project started in July of 2012 and we hope to conclude the research and report writing in early 2013.

The early phase of the project research involved conducting stakeholder workshops.  During the week of September 24, 2012, three workshops were scheduled and over 70 law enforcement, fire, emergency medical, health, and emergency management personnel attended the workshops and made them a phenomenal success! Citygate is in the process of collating the information gained in the workshops and assessing it as part of the project.

Based on the workshop information we will be sending out SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) surveys to some of the participants to further explore their ideas that need clarification.

We then will develop the ideal end-state of IMT-3s for future in the Bay Area, conduct a gap analysis to determine the necessary steps to achieve the ideal end-state, and develop findings and recommendations.

Ongoing project updates will be posted here:


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