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Citygate is pleased to announce that on November 19 the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors accepted Citygate’s Woolsey Fire After Action Review (AAR) Final Report and voted 5–0 to pass a motion to retain Citygate for implementation support related to the report’s recommendations. Page 3 of the motion describes Citygate’s responsibilities for this implementation support phase, stating, “We, therefore, move that the Board of Supervisors direct CEO to amend and extend the current contract with Citygate, and specifically its Public Safety Principal Stewart Gary, to act as the Board’s independent consultant.” This announcement comes on the heels of Citygate’s final Task Force presentation on November 17, which led to the Task Force unanimously voting to accept the AAR and offering thanks and high praise for the quality of Citygate’s report.

Citygate would like to commend Stewart Gary and the other Citygate consultants who were a part of the Woolsey AAR team! This is a remarkable outcome of this challenging project and means the County doesn’t want this AAR to sit on the shelf!


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